Not a whole lot to report on the riding front, so I’ll give you the quick version.
This basically describes the last three days:
Wake up around 6:30. Moan and groan for about 20 minutes about having to get out of the sleeping bags (Jake moans for an additional 10 minutes). Spend next 45 minutes doing everything we can to delay getting on the trikes. Quick breakfast of granola and warm milk. Ride for 15 to 20 miles through a desolate landscape, either flat into a headwind – or uphill into a headwind (there are no downhills as you head into the wind in eastern Montana). Take a very short break because it’s really hot and the bugs are too bad for a longer break. Resist going into the café/bar 50 feet away in an attempt to not spend money by eating a second breakfast. Ride another 15 to 20 miles (same uphill – same headwind). Stop for another short break – same heat, same bugs. This time we don’t take refuge in the café/bar 50 feet away because it closed 10 years ago (but has not been taken off of the maps or road signs that advertise it as the only place to eat in 20 miles). Repeat twice more before calling it quits for the day and camping for the night. Repeat for two more days.
That’s our life, at present.
By the way, the person who claimed that the wind always blows out of the west in the United States is a BIG FAT LIAR! Maybe at the jet stream level – but not where all of the real people are.
Still wouldn’t trade it for anything else (except maybe a tailwind). Will be In North Dakota sometime on Tuesday.
Have a Happy Fourth!
Take care,
Rob & Jake
Soooooo..... Is Wilson still alive?