As you can imagine, the amount of training required to undertake a trip of this type is immense and necessitates us getting an early jump on it. You may think that biking (or triking) here in the north country of southern Vermont (those in northern Vermont still call us flatlanders who live in the tropics) in the winter would be prohibitive. To the contrary, we find it quite easy and exhilarating. The secret, of course (as you can see from the pictures) is to wear the proper attire. Here Jake is doing hill trials in our driveway in a Bike Vermont jersey, Giro snowboarding helmet, and Statesman mud boots (sans clips to allow for a quick bailout, if necessary).This fashionable ensemble makes him equally ready for a 50 mile cross country trike ride or to attend the Vermont Governor's inaugural ball.
With any luck, the snow should all be gone by the first of June - so we can get in a few days of road riding before we head west.
Hope you are all well and enjoying your winter - wherever you are.
- Rob
Best of luck with the training! Love the yellow shirt!